
:zap: A collection of helpful web app components

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Modal Forms


Step 0 - Prepare Your Bundle

Make sure that your project is using at least rails 4.2 and at least responders 2.0.

The responders gem adds the methods respond_with and respond_to.

gem 'rails', '~> 4.2'
gem 'responders', '~> 2.0'

Other Dependencies

bootstrap and jquery are also required for this, so it is necessary to add them to your asset pipeline.

gem 'bootstrap'
gem 'jquery-rails'

Step 1 - Modifying your layout files

First we need to define the layout for our modal.

<%# app/views/layouts/modal.html.erb %>

<div class="modal" id="mainModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="mainModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">
  <div class="modal-dialog">
    <div class="modal-content">
      <div class="modal-header">
        <h5 class="modal-title" id="mainModalLabel">
          <%= yield :title if content_for? :title %>&nbsp;
        <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span><span class="sr-only">Close</span></button>

      <%= yield %>


We also need to define where our modal will be rendered. For that we will place this in our application layout.

<%# app/views/layouts/application.html.erb %>

<div id="modal-holder"></div>

Step 2 - Creating modal.js

Now we want to create the javascript that will render our links that have the data-modal attribute in our modal layout.

As well we will need to create the functionality that will allow our remote forms to submit data back to the appropriate controller. Our application should be able to properly handle redirects to the given page and form re-displays with errors just as our normal forms would. We will assume that if the response has the location header set, that we will redirect the user to the specified location. Otherwise we will redisplay the form.

// app/assets/javascripts/modals.js

$(function () {
  const modal_holder_selector = "#modal-holder";
  const modal_selector = ".modal";

  $(document).on("click", "a[data-modal]", function () {
    const location = $(this).attr("href");
    // Load modal dialog from server
    $.get(location, (data) => {
    return false;

  $(document).on("ajax:success", "form[data-modal]", function (event) {
    const [data, _status, xhr] = event.detail;
    const url = xhr.getResponseHeader("Location");
    if (url) {
      // Redirect to url
      window.location = url;
    } else {
      // Remove old modal backdrop
      // Update modal content
      const modal = $(data).find("body").html();

    return false;

Step 3 - Creating the Modal Responder

In this class we will inherit from ActionController::Responder since that is what respond_with uses for its rendering. We will make our own custom class to handle rendering for our modal, which we will call ModalResponder.

We will override the render and redirect_to methods in order to modify the behavior when a request is made using XHR.

Now if a request is made via AJAX we will render using out custom modal layout and instead of redirecting we want redirect_to to return only headers with the location header set which will handle our javascript logic.

# app/services/modal_responder.rb

class ModalResponder < ActionController::Responder
    cattr_accessor :modal_layout
    self.modal_layout = 'modal'

    def render(*args)
      options = args.extract_options!
      if request.xhr?
        options.merge! layout: modal_layout
      controller.render *args, options

    def default_render(*args)

    def redirect_to(options)
      if request.xhr?
        head :ok, location: controller.url_for(options)

Step 4 - Modifying the Application Controller

Now we just need to add a helper method, respond_modal_with, that will use our ModalResponder.

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  respond_to :html

  # Prevent CSRF attacks by raising an exception.
  # For APIs, you may want to use :null_session instead.
  protect_from_forgery with: :exception

  def respond_modal_with(*args, &blk)
    options = args.extract_options!
    options[:responder] = ModalResponder
    respond_with *args, options, &blk


Step 5 - Time to Use It!

First we need to add a link to the modal:

<%# app/views/layouts/_header.html.erb %>

<%= link_to 'Add Message', new_message_path, class: 'btn btn-outline-success my-2 my-sm-0', data: { modal: true } %>

Now, we need to modify our controller using our new respond_modal_with method instead of respond_with:

# app/controllers/messages_controller.rb

class MessagesController < ApplicationController

  respond_to :html, :json

  def new
    @message =
    respond_modal_with @message

  def create
    @message = Message.create(message_params)
    respond_modal_with @message, location: messages_path

    def set_message
      @message = Message.find(params[:id])

    def message_params
      params.require(:message).permit(:name, :body)

And, finally, you should add two attributes to your form:

<%# app/views/messages/_form.html.erb %>

<%= simple_form_for(@message, remote: request.xhr?, html: { data: { modal: true } }) %>

remote tells jquery_ujs to submit this form with AJAX. We use request.xhr? because we want this form to be functional when we display it in a modal and separately.

data-modal is used to tell our script to handle this form as the modal form.